Monday, August 4, 2008

Tangent Episode One

1 | Marko's on Meds

Marko grabbed the set of keys from the nightstand. A copy of the paper kicked across the floor as he left. He walked across his front lawn and got into his car and started it and turned on the light so he could read.

The letter read:

Dear Mr. Pheonix,

Your request for reinstatement has been declined by the board of...

And he stopped reading it. He put the car into drive and pulled out from his street. He kept the windows down to catch a cross breeze that massaged his temples. But the chill helped him stay awake. He needed to stay awake. If he fell asleep and crashed, they would do a blood test.

He passed Grand County High School and made a right onto 191 and took it for about a half hour north to Crescent Junction. Marko pulled up in front of the restaurant and went inside.

Brian Stephens was sitting at a table when he waved Marko over, "Evening Pheonix."

"Evening, Brian."

They talked for a little over the seven men executed in between Route 191 and Ten Mile Road:

"Seven men were driven out two-and-a-half miles from Ten Mile Road, lined up, and shot down. Some teenagers driving down 191 in the middle of the night, probably after drinking a few, heading back down to Moab; were looking out over the desert and said they saw what looked like fireworks. The Sheriff headed down there in the morning and found seven bodies shot to death and tire tracks all over the place. Couldn't trace the tires and couldn't find any shell casings," said Brian.

"What you see that on television?"

"Ain't got no television. I did it."

Marko choked on his food, "You what now?"

"I had those seven men shot. And I need your help?"

"What could you possibly want from me?" Marko was now hoarse and whispering.

"I need you to take this guy up to Uintah County. There's a house up in Fort Duchesne."

"No way in hell I'm doin' it. I'm tryin' to get reinstated."

"Reinstated? How soon ago was the last time you drank? How many pills did you pop before you got here? Face it Pheonix, you're never going to be a deputy again. You are never going to be a sheriff. Especially when you hang around with guys like me. Fuck that life Pheonix."

Brian got up and dropped a stack bills. As he left he patted Marko on the shoulder to let the fact that he was right sink in.

About twenty minutes passed and Marko was tired of staring blankly at the table. He got up and left and got into his car and pulled out and head south on 191. He was drinking a beer like usual when a cop pulled him over just south of Canyonlands Field. Half-drunk he took the revolver from his glove box opened the door and stood up and shot the officer five times.

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